Admitted Students Day Schedule

W&L Admitted Students Day 2024

March 29 and April 29 Schedule

仅供参考:ASD时间表也将以移动友好的形式通过 Guidebook app. 注册人应留意他们的电子邮件收件箱,以获取邀请/密码下载完整的活动时间表. 注意:指南也是与其他被录取和正在注册的学生分享联系信息的好方法.


7:45 am

Shuttles from parking to campus begin

If you are driving to campus, 请到西丹尼环岛停车(用于导航软件), it’s best to input Liberty Hall Ruins). 我们将有工作人员指导您,并有班车将您的家人送到主校区. 

8:00 am

Check-in, Breakfast, and Optional Tours

Check-in will take place by Graham-Lees. We will have staff to direct you. 可选的旅游项目上午8:30从坎南绿帐篷出发:

  • IQ Center Tour -了解我们最先进的教学和研究套件, the Integrative and Quantitative (IQ) Center, which features equipment for microscopy, motion capture, data acquisition, imaging, prototyping, and more!
  • Special Collections Open House – Home to an extensive art and artifact collection, 我们图书馆的特别馆藏和档案馆轮流向公众开放, 而它的拱顶则是珍贵书籍的宝库, documents related to the founding of the nation, and records of the history of W&L.
  • Harte Center Open House – Located in the library, 访问哈特教与学中心,了解像同伴辅导这样的学术资源, the writing center, research support, learning guidance, registration help, and academic coaching.  
  • Lenfest Center Tour -在学生导游的带领下穿过伦菲斯特艺术中心. Peek into classrooms, learn about music, conducting, studio art, dance, theatre, and our other arts offerings! 
  • Duchossois Athletic and Recreation Center Tour -参观最近翻新的健身设施,探索校园健身中心, lovingly known as DARC.  This is a tour for any interested student!
8:30 am


有兴趣了解更多关于财政援助和谁还没有安排一个家庭 appointment with the Office of Financial Aid later in the day are encouraged to attend.

9:00 am

财政援助信息表在Elrod Commons前面打开

如果你对你的奖励有什么具体的问题,请顺便去和财务援助官员谈谈, or if you would like to schedule an appointment 1:1.

9:30 am

Welcome Session in the University Chapel

In this official kickoff to Admitted Students Day, hear from Sally Stone Richmond, the Vice President for Admissions and Financial Aid, and a keynote address from a current W&L student.

10:00 am

Breakout Session #1: Get the Scoop on Life at W&L

  • 被录取的学生:在威尔逊大厅与在读学生进行“问我任何问题”小组讨论, located in the Lenfest Center for the Arts
  • 家长/监护人/家庭:“家长对家长”座谈会于大学礼拜堂举行
11:00 am

Breakout Session #2: “Opportunities at Your Door” 

  • Career and Professional Development (CPD) -地点:Elrod Commons的斯塔克豪斯剧院- CPD通过建议支持学生和校友实现他们的职业和专业目标, resources, programming, and events. 聆听一名持续专业进修课程的教职员及在校学生讲述他们如何透过持续专业进修课程发现新的机会. 
  • Spring Term Abroad -地点:威尔逊大厅在Lenfest中心- W的标志之一&L是我们独特的,为期4周的学期,通常以出国旅行的课程为特色. 向太阳城集团中心的工作人员和之前春季学期出国的学生询问所有出国留学的问题,并了解这个独特的机会!
  • The Shepherd Program -地点:马丁利住宅-真正的跨学科体验, 研究贫困的牧羊人计划包含了班级, research, internships, volunteering, 以及社区参与,以了解罗克布里奇县和全国各地的贫困和不平等之间的复杂性.
  • Fellowships -地点:莱本图书馆北礼堂-你有没有想过学生们是如何资助他们的梦想在W&L? 一个途径是申请具有全国竞争力的奖学金. W&L是富布赖特和戈德华特学者的顶级制作人,在过去的八年里有三位罗德奖学金获得者. 直接从奖学金项目的工作人员那里听到我们如何支持学生在课堂之外的学习体验.
11:45 am

Lunch and the Cannan Green Fair 

  • 午餐由大学餐饮部提供
  • 一年级宿舍楼内部窥视(Graham-Lees宿舍楼的自助开放日)
  • Campus tours (abbreviated to 30-45min)
  • Activities and Clubs mini-fair
  • Lawn games
1:30 pm


  • 被录取学生:“一下午学生”-选择一个模拟讲座参加和参观学术博览会. 讲座名称和地点将在活动前一周发布在Guidebook应用程序上. 
    • 下午1:45,来自Pooja Thakur-Wernz教授在斯塔克豪斯剧院的商业讲座
    • 下午1:45 Margaret Anne Hinkle教授在北礼堂举办地球与环境地球科学讲座
    • 下午2:30,Christopher Brown教授在斯塔克豪斯剧院进行社会学和人类学讲座
    • 下午2:30,Michael Laughy教授将在北礼堂进行经典讲座
    • Academic Fair: 1:30pm – 3:15pm in Leyburn Library
  • 家长/监护人/家庭:“支持我们的学生”-参加资源见面会和学术博览会
    • 资源见面会:下午1:45 - 2:30在科学中心大会堂举行
      • Dining Services, Health and Counseling, Office of Inclusion and Engagement, Disability Resources, Residential Life, and more
    • Academic Fair: 1:30 pm – 3:15 pm in Leyburn Library
3:30 pm

